Strange – reviews

"A sharp dialogue between Noa Dar and Joseph El-Dror, between the movement and the word. A strange and unique creation. Very much worth seeing“.

– Tikva Hoter- Ishay, “Yediot Aharonot”, 2001


"The work that stood out most was by Noa Dar. “Strange” has a successful integration of actor and dancers. The text by the play writer Joseph El – Dror –dealing with dance, dancers, stage and life- is clever, deep and full of humor.
It also received a convincing performance by the actor Gal Zaid. Noa Dar keeps her original and unique movement’ vocabulary, which became richer, free, surprising and flowing. The dancers absorbed Dars’ language and it is a pleasure to look at them”

– Ruth Eshel, “H’aretz”, December 2000


“…An interesting confrontation between movement and verbal language. Gal Zaid is charming in his natural simplicity, and already from his first words, there is an instant connection between him and the audiences. The dancers are excellent. They stand out with impressive movement ability and with hypnotizing stage personality.
Noa Dar is no longer just a promise. She is a mature and original creator. She has something to say, and she knows how to make her beautiful language of movement flow through the dancers’ bodies – and they respond to her with all their soul. Every moment of the evening is a pleasure”.

– Elykim Yaron, “Ma’ariv”, January 2001

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